Product Tonic Lab (PTL) is a 6-month, interactive online-based program that focuses on developing product leadership in Southeast Asia through experiential learning.

The program was developed by the Product Tonic Community leaders for senior product managers, product designers and software engineers who want to develop their leadership style, advance in their career and build more impactful products .

Rather than theoretical content, this program approaches learning through experience and facilitated dialogues instead of passive consumption of the program’s content. Participant are invited to co-build a safe space to discuss macro issues around emerging topics and practices (e.g. climate, education, ethics and sustainability) in product development. It also focuses on coaching/mentoring and walks with participant the journey to becoming a product leader.

It has been privilege and enriching journey for the past 6 months — not just how much relevant topics covered but also how inspiring support and positive vibes from the fellow cohorts.

📚 Learning topics :

  • Develop capacity for Product Leadership
  • Product Vision & Principles
  • Product Strategy
  • Team Structure
  • Team Objectives
  • Communication / Narratives
  • Core Skills in Problem Solving, Negotiation, Facilitating Conversations and Listening
  • Product Management, Product Design and Agile Ways of Working

💡 Learning approach :

  • Product Tonic Lab is designed based on experiential learning; learning through experience instead of passive consumption of the program’s content.
  • Another program highlight is the facilitated dialogues. Participant are invited to co-build a safe space to discuss macro issues around climate, education, ethics and sustainable practices in product development.

Reference: PTL Notion